This render was inspired by the hypothetical mega structure titled the dyson sphere. The concept was originally developed by a gentleman named freeman dyson, who proposed that if humans reach the point where they utilize 100% of energy demands on the earth, they would naturally have to seek out other external resources to obtain more. This scenario led to the development of the dyson sphere concepts, usually depicted as a ring, shell, or web of satellites that would orbit around our star, thus allowing for humans to capture its energy output. The possibilities of something like this being built in the future is highly likely, and some astronomers have been actively searching for these types of structures in other solar systems for signs of extraterrestrial life.
I wanted this render to appear as realistic as I could make it at my current skill level. I imported VDB volumes that were created in Houdini to engulf the ship. I also used world creator to develop the mountain range in the background, and applied 16k photo scanned textures in the foreground to achieve a high level of detail.

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